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These recipes are geared toward a DS-friendly diet. They are usually high fat, high protein, low carb, low sugar.

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Thursday, January 5, 2012

Porc au lait or Pork in milk

Pork loin (3lb)
whole milk
4 cloves Garlic
1 good sized sprig of thyme
bay leaf (1 or 2)
nutmeg (6 pinches)
2T butter

Slice two garlic cloves into slivers and then cut little holes in the pork loin and put them deep inside.  Salt and pepper pork and then brown in the butter in a dish pot large enough to just hold the pork (you can tie the pork if necessary to hold it together or you can cut into smaller chunks to arrange in the pot).  Pour the butter out of the pan, pour in the milk until the pork is covered and add all the rest of the ingredients including more salt and pepper and the two other garlic cloves slightly crushed.  Let it come to a boil over lowish heat and then a low simmer for at least 2 hours.  The pork will get very tender and the milk will start to look curdled.  Take the pork out and keep warm.  Reduce the remainder of the milk until it's very curdled looking and sort of tan in color and quite thick.  Remove the  bay leaf and thyme stems and pour into a blender (leaving in the garlic).  Salt and pepper to taste and pour over sliced pork. 

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